Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Party

Mr. Roberto Lugo offered his talent to God.
We have Christopher with a "pantomima". Very inspiring.
Pastor Abel Torres presented the meditation of the day.
Nativity program begins with Jose, Maria, and some angels.
Nativity scene.
After the program, students enjoyed their presents.
Here, teacher with the three kings.

Field Trip "Lee y Sueña"

Students got into the bus and heading to "Lee y Sueña".
They have learned to enjoy a good reading.!! Good job.
Sharing a book is fun.
We got the teacher to read a nice story.
Group photo.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Breakfast

Previous to the activity, the students prepared crafts for our guests.
6:00AM @ school
Parents, students, and teachers gather to Thank God for his magnificent blessings.

Everybody enjoyed the meeting. Thanks to our guests: Mr. & Mrs. Sánchez.

Columbus Day Celebration

On November 18, 2009 we celebrated the Columbus Day.
Students dressed up as native puertorricans as our "jibaros" did years ago.
Very Nice !!!
Student were divided in two groups: 1-Mr.Mendez, 2-Teacher Yani.
Each group made a presentation about the discovery of Puerto Rico.

Antonia's Lunch

Thanks to Antonia (Trixzy's Grandmother) we enjoyed a delicious lunch. As last year, she brought us: turkey, pasteles, rice with gandules, potato salad (the best), tembleque and her blessings.

All our students thanked Antonia for her excellent food.

As always, it was a grand feast.

Our teachers and Nets visitors also got their part. No wonder they love our school.

Thanks a lot Antonia. We will be waiting for you next year......

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Field Trip to the "Comedor Escolar"

Ready to walk to the Juan I. Vega School.
Here making like to take the food. Everything looks great and tasty too!!!!! mmmmmm!

The Big ones enjoying the trip.
Yeah!!!! We had a nice lunch. This faces can tell it alllllll!!!!
Here a photo with our nice cookers, Ivonne and Annie. Thanks!!!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Cecyle's Birthday

Last Friday we gathered to celebrate Cecylee's and Mr. Feliciano's (PE Teacher) Birthday.
Everyone had the opportunity to bless them with long blessed years to come.
Here with Teacher Yani, Mr. Méndez, and Teacher Julia.
Group hugggggg!!!!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Everything ready for cooking class.
The menu: Turkey wheels and Spicy Stuffed Eggs. MMMMMMM.
Who wants to cook????
Yumiiii. Soon will eat...
Say cheeeeeeese!
Finished product. Want some??? Come and join us.


Physical Education.
Spare time.
English tutoring.
Math tutoring.
Spare time.


All aboard!!!!
Here students are getting into the boat to start the trip.

At sea with Markitos (the driver) who is seating at the side.
Not with the red shirt.
At the mangle.
Enjoying life at the sea.
Here are they......the VIPs.
Any similarities with "Men in Black" is just a coincidence.
Here, just leaving......See ya!

This was a very educational experience.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Field Trip to Cavernas del Rio Camuy

Here everybody ready for the tour!!!!!!!!!!!!All Aboard.

Ready to enjoy delicious (and rare) ice creams in Lares, PR.
In the "Plaza de Lares".
Let's enjoy the ride!!!